Edese Culture Award 2017
She is young and already conquering the stages. Her voice is described as Crystal clear, Moving and Irresistibly overflowing with drama. You can find her on Spotify, Radio4 and the Grachtenfestival in Amsterdam but also in the Oude Kerk (Old Church) in Bennekom. You can hear her voice singing Bach but also Hollywood-movies. The winner of the Edese Culture Award 2017 is… Soprano Tineke Roseboom!
Completely unexpected I became the winner of the Edese Culture Award 2017!
I knew that I was nominated, but with 33 other nominees I considered the opportunity to win very small. What I didn’t know was that there was a (not very small) conspiracy.. Via my sister they organized that my boyfriend, parents, brother, mother in law, impresario and best friends would be present at the event. I found it super awkward that my complete family was there while the other nominees only brought there partners..
Only when I won the award I saw my friends and impresario. They already knew everything and made sure there was a nice video about me. There were so many friends who worked behind my back and didn’t tell ANYTHING! I love it!
Marinus asked me what I would say if I won the prize, my answer didn’t come any better than: “O, jeetje!” (Oh, gosh!). And that was also the feeling I got when they said my name. €5000,- and a beautiful silver sculpture by Anneke Schat.
This award is an enormous appreciation for what I do.. So special..
The theme of the event was the growing of a seed, a seed cannot grow only by pure willpower, the seed needs the right circumstances. I have this luck of being in the right circumstances right from the start. I grew up in a warm and loving family, a family who supports everything I do and wants me to take every chance I can get. All the amazing teachers who let me learn from them. The international scholarship I got. And now this amazing award who can help me to grow still a lot more!
Thank you so, so much!
“The Dynamic of the untamable creativity”